Is my job making me fat?

Many people experience steady weight gain when working at a desk job. They usually blame the lack of activity, stress and exhaustion after a long day. This causes a steady decline in their health and fitness over time. Back pain, fatigue and tight muscles are common effects of the 9 to 9 lifestyle.

Short lunch breaks and needing to stick to a budget may also lead some to a habit of eating fast food or compromising on nutrition. Fancy salads and well prepared, high nutrition meals can add up if you eat out all the time. Rushing through a meal, eating at your desk while working at the same time, or eating only cold food may also affect your digestion.

Snacking is another common problem. Many office pantries are stocked with yummy snacks, but they are usually not healthy ones! When you are stressed out, reaching out for one chocolate bar or pack of cookies after another becomes really easy.

The good news is - while you can’t change the nature of an office job, there are many steps you can take to reduce the effects of a sedentary work environment:

1 . Work out BEFORE you start your day

It can be hard to motivate yourself to work out after a long day at work. Get up an hour earlier & book yourself a fitness class to start your day. Not only will you feel better as you begin your day productively by doing something JUST FOR YOU, but you will also be in a better state of mind to face your work day!

If you are worried that you will tire yourself out before work, try a more gentle class that will help you wake up & feel refreshed! We recommend a yoga class.

Check out our schedule to see which classes work best for you.

2 . Take the stairs

This is an easy way to increase your level of activity during the day. Whenever you have a few minutes to spare, take a few flights of stairs to get your blood pumping and to keep your metabolism going. You could even get a colleague to join you for this ‘mini workout’.

You can also take the stairs up to your office instead of using the elevator. If you are worried about getting sweaty during the work day, then take the stairs back to your car or to the train station after work. The littlest things will add up over time!

3 . Prepare your own snacks

Can’t kick that munchy habit? No worries.

Replace sugary, high fat snacks with healthier options. Instead of chocolates, chips, instant noodles or cookies, try instant miso soup, instant oats, dried fruit & vegetables or trail mix.

These steps are easy, doable and definitely achievable for you. Share your experience with us on our Instagram (@ommosapiens) if you found these tips helpful!


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