Does yoga help with weight loss?

One of the most common questions we hear from new yogis is whether they can expect to lose weight by doing yoga.

The simple answer is - it will help you with your weight loss journey, as you will be adding extra activity to your week, but there are many other factors that will affect your results.

Yoga is not just about weight loss. In practicing yoga, you gain muscle tone, strength, balance, flexibility and mobility which will take you further in elevating your other workouts. This improves your overall results on your fitness journey.

Apart from the performance benefits mentioned above, you will learn how to stay centered and focused, reconnect with your breath, and reset your nervous system. This will improve your mental state and hormonal function, putting your body in an optimum state for a fitter, trimmer body.

An optimum state of mind is truly important! When you are highly stressed out all the time, your body releases ‘stress hormones’ which counteracts your efforts in weight loss. This is why we encourage all our students to maintain a breath work & meditation practice, so they can equip themselves throughout the week to stay in an optimum state.

If you are interested, you can book in a ‘Recharge’ class to begin your breath work & meditation journey. Recharge is a 30 minute guided breath work and meditation class.

A weight loss journey will look different for each person. We all start at different starting points and with different abilities.

For maximum effectiveness, find a class that suits your needs & level of fitness, so that you can maintain a sustainable practice. Find out more about the various types of classes we offer. We have curated our classes specially to suit students of all levels and needs.

To supplement your yoga practice, for faster weight loss results, you can also try out other modalities of exercise. Our movement classes can help you incorporate weight training and new skills into your practice. Check out our Instagram (@ommosapiens) to see some class snippets.

All the best with hitting your goals today!


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