Finding Ease & Contentment

Let's start by taking a deep breath, in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Feel the cool air fill your lungs, and exhale slowly, letting go of any worries or stress that may be weighing you down. Imagine that you're on a beach, feeling the sand between your toes and the salty breeze on your skin. Ahh, don't you feel relaxed already?

I remember one of the first practices I embraced to make myself more present was to look at the sunset whenever I got a chance: Be it stuck in a jam, trying to rush to another meeting, or getting ready to teach a class, I’ll make sure to take anywhere from 5 seconds up to 5 minutes, to just admire the beauty & wondrous occurrence that slips by us each day. From then, I’ve managed to cultivate other practices that helps with being more present, like formal meditation, listening more deeply & being in quiet mode.

Taking a moment to breathe and appreciate the present moment is a great way to find ease and contentment. It's a reminder that life is beautiful, and we should make the most of it.

Another way to find joy in your everyday life is to make time for the things that bring you happiness. I'm not talking about buying expensive things or taking extravagant vacations. I'm talking about simple pleasures, like baking a cake, reading a book, or taking a walk in nature. When we prioritize the things that bring us joy, we feel more fulfilled and contented.

Lastly, let's talk about gratitude. It's easy to focus on what we don't have or what's going wrong in our lives. But by shifting our focus to what we do have, we can find contentment in the present moment. Take a moment each day to think about what you're grateful for. It could be something as simple as a warm cup of coffee or a text from a friend. Trust me, it works wonders.

To sum it up, finding joy, ease, and contentment in life is all about prioritizing the things that make you happy, taking time to relax and appreciate the beauty around you, and practicing gratitude. I hope these tips have inspired you to find joy, ease, and contentment in your everyday living. Remember, life is too short to be anything but joyful.


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